Deputy Commission VII Eddy Soeparno Encourages Industry To Use Solar Panels

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI, Eddy Soeparno, said that there was a need for encouragement from the government to encourage the industrial sector to use solar panels as new and renewable energy (EBT).

He said the government also has a significant role in this and the development of renewable energy infrastructure in Indonesia.

"I think there needs to be encouragement from the government, including how the government encourages and even provides incentives for industries that use solar panels. So that is one of the drivers that can be used as a facilitator to accelerate industrial development, and I hope the government has a big enough role in this," "said Eddy in a written statement, Monday, June 27.

Eddy continued, the obstacles experienced for the development of solar panels in Indonesia were considered not too big.

"Especially if there is an incentive, maybe the industry will also be moved to use solar panels as EBT," he said.

According to him, the availability of raw materials for solar panels is still lacking and the Domestic Content Level (TKDN) has not been developed.

"Indeed, the development of solar panels in Indonesia does not face such a big obstacle, except that we are still concerned about TKDN. "Actually, the TKDN can still be enlarged and improved, that the raw materials for solar panels still have to be imported, while the source of the raw materials is iron sand which we export out," said Eddy.

He added that currently many industrial sectors are using solar panels.

"Indeed, now there are a lot of industrial sectors that are already using solar panels. We see that various large industries, especially those that are demanded by multinational companies abroad to use NRE-based energy, are already using solar panels in their production sectors. We also see Pertamina using NRE for several gas stations. Even Pertamina gas stations have aggressively installed solar panels," concluded Eddy.