Children Not Passing PPDB, Residents Of Blockade Gate Of SMA Negeri 2 Manokwari School

MANOKWARI - Several residents blocked the gate of SMA Negeri 2 Manokwari School in Manokwari city, West Papua because their children did not pass the online selection of new students.

Elsa Mandowen said her child did not pass the selection for new student admissions (PPDB) at SMA Negeri 2 Manokwari School despite meeting the zoning requirements because there were technical problems in organizing student admissions online.

"Online registration has problems, because there are many who enter, the network becomes slow", said Elsa, quoted by Antara, Monday, June 27.

She said the parents' representatives had conveyed the problem of telecommunication network disruption in the implementation of PPDB online to the West Papua Province Education Office.

"We have met the head of the service, but only asked for a certificate of our son's graduation, then asked to wait for today's announcement", she said.

Meanwhile, Yohana Haurissa said her child was unable to successfully register PPDB online which was held from June 20 to 21, 2022.

"You can enter the website, but when you want to proceed to registration, you can't access it at all", said Yohana.

Elsa and Yohana hope the school will hold online registration for new students.

Head of the SMA Division of the West Papua Education Office, Timotius Kambu, said SMA Negeri 1 and SMA Negeri 2 Manokwari School could only accept 288 new students with the available study room capacity.

According to him, the two leading schools accept new students with a quota of 50 percent from the zoning route, 15 percent from the affirmation route, 30 percent from the achievement path, and five percent from the parent transfer route.