Visit His Troops On The Frontline: Russian Defense Minister Ensures Logistics Supply, Presents Stars And Badges Of Appreciation

JAKARTA - Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited his troops on the front lines, to directly check the condition of his soldiers and receive reports on the current situation, the Defense Ministry said.

"At the command post of the Russian unit, Army General Sergei Shoigu heard reports from the commander on the current situation and actions of the Russian Armed Forces in key operational areas," the ministry said in a statement.

It was not immediately clear when the visit took place or whether Shoigu had visited Ukraine himself.

While citing TASS, Defense Minister Shoigu was said to have carried out direct inspections of his troops at the forefront of the special military operations battle held by Russia, ensured the adequacy of logistics, and distributed awards to encourage soldiers.

"The defense minister paid special attention to comprehensive logistical support for troops, and measures to create all the necessary daily conditions for personnel in temporary deployment areas," the ministry said in a Telegram post.

"The minister also awarded Russian soldiers who have shown heroism and self-sacrifice in order to fulfill battles, assignments in special military operations with the Gold Star Hero of the Russian Federation medal and the Order of Courage," the ministry continued.

It is known, Russia is now increasing its attacks in eastern Ukraine, having previously failed to capture the capital Kyiv and is said to have caused a lot of losses among Russian troops.