Inspired By Ganjar Pranowo, Who Loves Bicycles And Running, Srikandi Ganjar Is Working On South Sulawesi Millennials

JAKARTA - Volunteers Srikandi Ganjar are working on the support of millennials in South Sulawesi through various positive activities so that the Governor of Central Java can advance smoothly to become a 2024 Presidential Candidate.
"We want to inform all millennials in South Sulawesi that Srikandi Ganjar is fighting for good people for Indonesia in the future. We hope that Pak Ganjar can become President in 2024," said Regional Coordinator of Srikandi Ganjar, South Sulawesi, Nurul Awainah in Makassar, Monday, June 27, quoted from Antara.
As a figure who is supported by Srikandi Ganjar in South Sulawesi, his party continues to disseminate information to the public, especially millennials in South Sulawesi. He considered Ganjar a worthy leader to be supported by the nation's young generation.
Srikandi Ganjar volunteers in South Sulawesi, he said, continue to carry out positive activities to encourage people, especially millennials, to take part in the 2024 General Election.
The activity, which was held in the form of a Healthy Fun Day, was attended by thousands of people with the aim of inviting people to adopt a healthy lifestyle by exercising, such as zumba and yoga in the parking lot of the Phinisi Poin Mal Makassar Hotel, yesterday.
The event was inspired by Ganjar's healthy lifestyle, who likes to exercise, walk, run, and cycle.
"We are inspired by Pak Ganjar because millennial women support and idolize Ganjar. Even when he went to Makassar he took the time to exercise, so we were inspired that exercise makes us healthy," he said.
In addition to holding zumba and yoga, Srikandi Ganjar Sulsel held a public talk that discussed the topic of mental health and treating depression, guided by experts directly.