NasDem Wants To Prevent Polarization, Denny Siregar: Cebong Is Nationalist, Kadrun Changes Homeland To Khilafah, Difficult To Realize

JAKARTA - Social media activist Denny Siregar assesses that the NasDem Party is aggressively trying to prevent polarization in society. This is in accordance with the message of the Chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, during the 2022 National Working Meeting (Rakernas).

According to Denny, one of the efforts made by the party bearing the blue rotation symbol is to unite a group he calls cebong and kadrun. Two terms that emerged as a result of contestation in the 2019 Presidential Election.

"Pak SP @NasDem's plan is to unite the cebong and kadrun so that they are not polarized, it will be difficult to realize," said Denny on his Twitter account, @Dennysiregar7, Monday 27 June.

Denny said the NasDem Party would find obstacles in uniting the two groups. One of them is because the two groups have different characters.

"The tadpole is a nationalist who wants to defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Kadrun wants to change the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia into a caliphate. How can we unite, sir? said Denny.

Previously, Denny also commented on the invitation of NasDem Party politicians to no longer discuss the name of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan in the topic of polarization.

Lately, Anies' name has become a topic of discussion on social media. The former Minister of Education and Culture has been labeled the 'Father of Identity Politics' by many netizens.

Denny emphasized that he would not bow to the NasDem Party politician's persuasion not to associate Anies with polarization.

"It's really good.. It's made people split, in fact there are those who don't pray at all, and now ask to be forgotten??" said Denny via his Twitter account.