The Challenge Of Heroes Of The Grand Mosque During The Hajj, There Are Indonesian Calhaj Who Can't Speak Indonesian

JAKARTA - Indonesian Hajj officers face many challenges while in Saudi Arabia. This is also what Srikandi Masjidil Haram feels, a female officer who is on standby in the mataf area or the tawaf area.
One of the biggest challenges is the language barrier. Indonesian congregants who come from various ethnic groups, make communication with officers difficult. Moreover, there are those who cannot speak Indonesian.
"We face various challenges, the first is the difficulty of having prospective pilgrims who cannot speak Indonesian at all," said member of the special sector of the Grand Mosque Uning Haryani in Mecca, Saturday.
Uning said that there were quite a number of problems faced by pilgrims and needed the assistance of Srikandi Masjidil Haram and other officers.
"There are congregants who faint, some are dazed, don't know where to go because they are separated from the group, that's what we often meet in the field," he said, as reported by Antara.
The heroines consisting of elements of the TNI, Polri, doctors, and accompanied by students who are seasonal workers (temus) also often find worshipers who find it difficult to find a way out of the Grand Mosque.
"In addition, we direct pilgrims who stray or do not know to look for prayer buses to return to their respective hotels," Uning added.
Even though he had to work for 12 hours, he said he was happy to be able to help and protect God's guests.