KPPPA Calls Violence Against Children And Women Barriers To Development, Here's The Explanation

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) considers that the high level of violence against children and women can hinder children's growth and development. KPPPA Inter-Agency Relations Division Rini Handayani in a media talk that was followed online in Jakarta, Friday, June 24. She said that based on the 2021 National Women's Life Experience Survey (SPHPN) it was stated that one in four women aged 15-64 years experienced physical or sexual violence committed partner and non-spouse during their lifetime. Furthermore, the 2021 National Survey of Child and Adolescent Life Experiences (SNPHAR) found that three in 10 boys and four in 10 girls aged 13-17 have experienced violence of any kind in their lifetime. He said, although the survey figures experienced a decline in prevalence of violence against children and women. However, these figures are still concerning. "The figures are still quite high, although there has been a decline because violence against children and against women is like an iceberg phenomenon," he said. .

Of the many problems that exist against women and children, Rini said, the President gave five directions to KPPPA to carry out priority programs. The five directions were increasing women's empowerment in entrepreneurship from a gender perspective, increasing the role of mothers and families in education or child care. Then, reducing violence against women and children, reducing child labor, and preventing child marriage.