Medan City P2K Office Established Garbage Banks In 3 Locations

MEDAN - The Medan City Fire Prevention and Fighting Service (P2K), North Sumatra, has set up waste banks at three points to reduce the amount of waste sent to the Falls Final Disposal Site (TPA). P2K Office, ed.) and two more at the UPT (Technical Implementation Unit)," said Medan City P2K Service Head Albon Sidauruk in Medan quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 23. formed a team for the management and management of this waste bank. Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution has issued Circular No. 651.1/1986 dated March 2, 2022, which contains the establishment of waste banks in OPD, sub-districts, and urban villages. cubic meters per tub. Later, the trash bins will be used to produce organic fertilizer. These organic waste bins are also in two UPTs," he explained.

The waste bank method, he explained, ie waste from all fields and units of the P2K Service will be separated into three trash cans, namely organic, paper and plastic which are accommodated for collection.

"Organic waste is disposed of every day into the prepared bins, paper and plastic are submitted to the Kepul application once a month. We are targeting the P2K Department of waste transported by garbage trucks to reduce by 70 percent," he said. Based on data from the Medan City Environment Service, the volume of waste about 2,000 tons are transported to the Waterfall TPA in Medan Marelan per day. "We hope that the management method by sorting the waste that we apply in this office can be imitated, and carried out in the homes of all ranks of the Medan City P2K Service," said Albon Sidauruk.