Jakarta's Air Quality Is Bad, Anies' Men: Apply Healthy Living, Avoid Cigarette Smoke

JAKARTA - The Head of the DKI Health Office, Widyastuti, advised the people of Jakarta to always adopt a healthy lifestyle, in line with the poor air quality in the capital, which is currently in the spotlight.

"Our appeal, of course, is to always adopt a healthy lifestyle. Let's check our health regularly, avoid cigarette smoke, have a balanced diet, be diligent in exercising, get enough rest, and manage stress well," said Widyastuti to reporters, Thursday, June 23.

Widyastuti emphasized that the perceived health impact of air pollution is also related to the lifestyle of the people. This is because cases of respiratory tract infections that reduce life expectancy have been spreading for a long time.

"We are monitoring the respiratory tract infection not only now, but since 2004. Of course these morbidity rates are not only due to pollution, but various lifestyles also affect," said Widyastuti.

Meanwhile, regarding the use of masks when outside the room, the subordinates of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan said it was only an appeal. Bearing in mind, currently President Joko Widodo has allowed residents to remove masks in open spaces.

"Regarding masks, we respect the regulatory decisions related to the PPKM that we adjust," he said.

As is known, over the past few days, Jakarta has often been the most polluted city in the world in terms of IQ Water observations.

Based on the BMKG analysis, the unhealthy air in Jakarta is influenced by various emission sources, both from local sources, such as transportation and residential areas, as well as from regional sources from industrial areas close to Jakarta.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has opened his voice over the poor air quality in Jakarta. According to Anies, the polluted air condition in Jakarta is a serious warning, not only to the government, but also to the people to try to improve air quality in the capital city.

"I see this as a serious issue, a wake up call for all of us that this is a serious issue and we will work on it together," said Anies at the National Monument area, Wednesday, June 22.

Anies said that currently, Jakarta's dirty air is the most contributed by motor vehicle emissions. However, he emphasized that the DKI Provincial Government has made efforts to reduce emissions by increasing the use of public transportation and emission testing.

Anies asked the public to support the policy that is being implemented. "So, the government has a policy and from the community's point of view, we hope, let's take advantage of public transportation together and hope to monitor pollution sources around Jabodetabek which have an impact on air quality in Jakarta," he continued.