Preventing Drug Circulation, DKI Ministry Of Law And Human Rights Mutates Inmates

JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of DKI Jakarta runs a transfer program for prisoners in prison (WBP) between rooms, technical implementation units (UPT) to outside the area, in order to prevent drug abuse.

"In addition, we carry out a rehabilitation program for narcotics abusers. And of course, regional offices also strengthen synergy and collaboration with law enforcement officers," said Head of the Jakarta Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ibnu Chuldun in a written statement quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 22.

In order to prevent drug abuse, Ibnu said that his party maximized all forms of Prevention, Eradication, Abuse and Illicit Trafficking of Narcotics (P4GN).

Ibnu revealed that the DKI Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights also carries out routine urine tests on employees and WBP, raids, surprise inspections, and forms anti-drug volunteers at the Correctional UPT supported by the Directorate General of Corrections.

In addition, the DKI Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is also intensively carrying out socialization and counseling, early detection, and establishing an Internal Compliance Operational Unit (Satops Patnal) for Corrections as a prevention program related to drug cases.

According to Ibnu, the routine activity is to realize a "Clean Prison from Drugs (Shine)".

The Shining Prison Program is a follow-up to the collaboration with the DKI Jakarta BNN since 2021 through several series of activities such as adjusting the instructions and technical assistance from the Correctional Division and signing the MoU.

"Therefore, the DKI Jakarta Regional Office has signed a joint commitment and carried out urine tests for all Regional Office employees to create a Shining Environment," said Ibnu.

Meanwhile, the Acting Head of the DKI BNN, Kombes Pol. Monang Sidabukke appreciates the P4GN program that has been implemented by the DKI Jakarta Kemenkumham Regional Office.

"P4GN cannot be handled by one party alone, but it requires participation and commitment from all components of the nation," said Monang.

The DKI Jakarta BNN also gave an award to the Regional Office of the Kemenkum HAM DKI Jakarta which had implemented Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2020 in an effort to create a Glowing Environment.

Data from the Correctional Database System shows that the number of narcotics cases has increased by 12,080 WBP who are in prisons and detention centers in the DKI Jakarta area as of June 2022.