Bobby Nasution Hopes Pemko Medan Becomes A Shareholder In PDAM Tirtanadi

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution hopes that the Medan City Government can become a shareholder in the Tirtanadi Regional Drinking Water Company (PADM) owned by the North Sumatra Provincial Government.

"Because about 80 percent of the PDAM Tirtanadi customers are residents of the city of Medan," Bobby said in Medan as reported by Antara, Wednesday, June 22.

This hope was conveyed by Bobby Nasution after receiving a visit from North Sumatra DPRD leaders and members from the North Sumatra I and North Sumatra II electoral districts at Medan City Hall.

If the Medan City Government can become a shareholder in PDAM Tirtanadi, he continued, it will make it easier for residents in this area to get clean water services.

The mayor said that the Medan City Government always budgets for the BUMD distribution pipe every year, but local residents are still asked for a new connection fee by PDAM Tirtanadi.

"This is done by the Medan City Government for the lower class community. It's a pity for them, if they have to quote the connection fee again," Bobby explained.

Meanwhile, a member of the North Sumatra DPRD, Muhammad Aulia Rizki Agsa, who is also the Chair of the North Sumatra I Dapil, conveyed public complaints, including clean water and drainage on Jalan Marelan.

"We, both in the electoral district I and in the Regional Legislative Council of North Sumatra, are ready to collaborate with the Pemko Medan to advance the city of Medan in the future," he said.