BNPT Says Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka And Kuningan Are Prone To Terrorism

CIREBON - Director of Capability Development of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Brigadier General Wawan Ridwan said he would strengthen the capacity and competence of TNI and Polri personnel and related agencies in Cirebon, West Java.

Wawan said the strengthening was carried out because Cirebon is one of the areas prone to terrorism.

"Cirebon is an old city in Indonesia where the people have extraordinary harmony and tolerance. But the fact is that acts of terrorism have occurred," said Wawan in Cirebon, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, June 22.

He said the Cirebon area, which consists of Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka and Kuningan regencies and cities, is an area that is prone to acts of terrorism.

It is evident from several acts of terror and the arrest of suspected terrorists in the area. In fact, in 2017 there was an arrest of a suspected terrorist with the initials IM after planning to attack President Joko Widodo at Cirebon's Cakrabhuwana Airport.

For this reason, continued Wawan, BNPT held activities to strengthen the capacity and competence of TNI and Polri personnel and related agencies to support counterterrorism in the Cirebon area.

"Recognizing the potential threats and challenges in the future, BNPT responded by strengthening the capacity and competence of the TNI/Polri and related agencies," he said.

Wawan added that based on Law Number 5/2018 regarding the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism, BNPT is more specifically the coordinator of terrorism prevention and countermeasures.

"We hope that through this activity we can provide an understanding of the trends in the threat of terrorism so that synergies, insights, and strategies can be increased in countering terrorism," he said.

So intelligence

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Cirebon Nashrudin Azis stated that the Cirebon City Government needs to develop community programs as informants for anti-terrorism anticipation and countermeasures.

Azis asked the relevant regional apparatus, such as the Kesbangpol, to build a network so that the public becomes government intelligence. Can provide information to the government if there are things that are suspected and need to be addressed.

"Because all problems are in the community. So, it is necessary to have an active role from the community. For example, being a source of information for the government, especially related to countering terrorism," he said.