Director General Of Oil And Gas Ensures Train 3 Tangguh Will Be On Stream March 2023

JAKARTA - Representing the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif, Director General of Oil and Gas Tutuka Ariadji reviewed the Tangguh LNG Train 3 construction project in Bintuni Bay, West Papua Province.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources wants to ensure that the Tangguh Train 3 construction project is completed at the agreed time, namely in March 2023.

"We want to see what progress has been made in this area, there is Tangguh Train 3, and Tangguh Train 2. Especially Train 3, how the construction and others have reached what percentage, that's the first, so we want to see firsthand the construction of Train 3 physically how far has it gone," said Tutuka in an official statement, Wednesday, June 22.

In addition to reviewing, dialogue was also held with workers from BP and contractors who were directly involved in the work of Train 3.

This, according to Tutuka, is important to do in order to find out the obstacles in implementation in the field.

"In the discussion, workers convey the progress of their work and the existing obstacles, we will discuss together how to solve them," continued Tutuka.

From the results of the discussion and seeing firsthand the progress of existing work, Tutuka is optimistic that the construction of the Train 3 facility can be completed according to the agreed target, namely in the first quarter of 2023.

"We are optimistic that the construction of train 3 will be completed on time. The progress of the construction of Train 3 is good, it has reached more than 90 percent. But there are two things that are of concern because it can become an obstacle when progress is not achieved on time. So if you want the progress of train 3 construction finished on time, then the two criticals must be completed," explained Tutuka.

In line with the Director General of Oil and Gas, Head of the Upstream Oil and Gas Work Unit (SKK Migas) Dwi Soecipto also said that his party received a plan from BP regarding Tangguh Train 3 to be completed in March 2023.

"And two additional months for startup and onstream preparations, that's BP's plan, so we came here looking for efforts to speed things up," he said.

Dwi also highlighted two critical areas that must be prioritized to complete the work immediately so that the target can be completed on time. , the second in the compressor," said Dwi.

These two areas are prioritized to be completed immediately by increasing the number of workers to work on them.

"These two areas require additional workers and that's what we expect from EPC Contractors and to be able to prepare more workers and prioritize them to be completed soon," explained Dwi.

For information, the Tangguh LNG project is an LNG production and sales project that has been realized in the form of joint ventures between British Petroleum as the operator, the Indonesian government, contractors, and, in particular, the local community of West Papua.

This project produces LNG from the Wiriagar, Berau, and Muturi gas fields, in Bintuni Bay, West Papua with an area of 5,966.9 km2.

Tangguh Field Average Natural Gas Production in 2021 is 1,312 MMSCFD, and the status as of June 14, 2022 is 1,162 MMSCFD.

LNG production began in June 2009, and the first LNG cargo was delivered in July 2009. The Tangguh LNG project produces 7.6 million tonnes of LNG annually via Trains 1 and 2.

The Train 3 project is currently being developed, with an estimated investment value of USD 8.9 billion and will produce 3.8 million tons of LNG per year.

The production results of Train 3 will be prioritized to meet domestic gas needs, including for PT PLN (Persero) power plants.