Offered For Rp. 12 Billion, This Is The Portrait Of Nikita Mirzani's Minimalist And Luxurious House

YOGYAKARTA – Nikita Mirzani, a celebrity who is known as 'Nyai', wants to sell her house in Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta. He said that his house will be sold along with the furniture displayed in it.

Yesterday when met in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta, Monday, June 20, 2022, Nikita Mirzani told me that the house was complete with a swimming pool. With an area of land along with the building and its contents, the house was offered for Rp. 12 billion

Portrait of the front view of Nikita Mirzani's house (Source: Youtube/Trans7 Official screenshot)

So far, several parties have wanted to buy his house. But Nikita admits that he wants to sell to people who really love the house.

Portrait of the dining room of Nikita Mirzani's house

Sold with furniture, but added Nikita, there are some things he wants to bring. This means, not all are sold with the house. But the sofa, dining table, and refrigerator will be left behind.

Portrait of the living room of Nikita Mirzani's house

The family room, or living room other than the main room, is adjacent to the swimming pool. This room was designed by Nikita herself. In this complete room, there is a sofa set, television, karaoke set, and air conditioner for Rp. 45 million.

Nikita Mirzani's house swimming pool portrait

The glass door is a barrier between the family living room and the swimming pool. Nikita admitted that the water filling the swimming pool is safe to drink because it does not use chlorine. In fact, this swimming pool maintenance costs around Rp. 1.6 million.

Nikita Mirzani's home kitchen portrait

Hundreds of millions of money was allocated to remodel the kitchen in his house. Even though it has been equipped with complete kitchen devices and equipment, the kitchen looks minimalist and spacious.

This three-story house, owned by Nikita Mirzani, is being sold for some reason. The luxury that is also visible from the stairs, an amount of Rp. 700 million was spent to polish the beautiful foot support to the top floor. The reason Nikita sold the house, according to him, is not comfortable because it is not a cluster or complex. In addition, he also has a new house that is occupied.