Not Just Ndusel, Recognize 9 Ways Cats Show Love To Their Owners

YOGYAKARTA – Cats have a love language that is expressed to their owners, or loved ones. Unlike humans who can express their feelings with verbal language, cats can have certain gestures to show their closeness to their owner. If you have a cat who likes to snuggle in the paws, this is one way they can show that you have complete trust in your anabul to love. Another way cats show affection is by recognizing their body language.

1. Meow

When calling from afar, and the cat answers in its signature voice, meowing, then you need to remember very well that this is their way of showing that you are their closest person. Reported by The Spruce Pets, Tuesday, June 21, cats rarely meow at other cats. Only the kitten meows at its mother. While adult cats use these vocalizations to interact. Keep in mind, Anabuls don't like to meow at people they don't like.

2. The tail is erect to signify love

For cat owners, it is certainly familiar when petting them and they respond with a raised butt pose. This sign invites you to pay special attention to the base of the tail. They, the anabul, love this area of the body to be scratched.

They also put up an upright tail gesture to signify their love. Well, when a cat approaches you with its tail raised straight and the tip slightly turned up, this is a sign of love.

Illustration of how a cat shows affection (Unsplash/Fantastic B)
3. Lick

Cats like to lick their bodies, skin, fur, and paws, for self-care. But when cats lick your hands and feet or other parts of your body, they are showing great affection. Their goal is to give off a familiar scent and help mark the person as an important part of the family group.

4. Snoring

Cats show happiness and love by purring. They seem to have a special little 'motor' in them when it comes to relaxing and enjoying something. You may often hear a rumbling and vibrating sound when you pet them.

5. Rolling around

When cats roll around or roll when they see you, they may be saying a loving greeting. This gesture is also shown when they want your attention. Especially they want to be stroked by you on the stomach.

Illustration of how a cat shows affection (iStockphoto)
6. Rubbing your cheeks on you

Rubbing the face or head, is not uncommon for cats. They will choose to do it to the people closest to them. Because this is a cat's way of leaving its scent on you or marking its territory. Cats also do this when they love something or someone.

7. Hunting and rewarding prey

Cats are adorable, but they are naturally small carnivores with a hunting instinct. Cats can catch everything from toys to lizards or mice. Then they will give the results of the hunt to the people who matter. Has a cat ever given you a 'gift'? That's a sign they give a special gift to express love.

8. Fall asleep on your lap

In a day, cats sleep up to 16 hours a day. Because even though they are asleep they are still alert, so they choose to sleep in a safe and reliable place. So if the anabul sleeps on your lap, this is a big compliment and sign of love for you.

9. Squeezing and massaging

The behavior of squeezing and massaging is generally carried out by kittens to their mothers to encourage the release of milk. In adult cats, continue the habit because they feel relaxed, satisfied, and loved. When you pet on your lap and the cat squeezes and caresses your thigh, this is a gesture of affection expressed in a different way.