Introduce! Kombes Nurul Azizah, Spokesperson For The New Bhayangkara Corps Appointed By The National Police Chief Sigit

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo overhauled the structure and positions of hundreds of its members. One of them is by appointing a female police officer (Polwan) as the spokesperson for the Bhayangkara Corps.

In the Secret Telegram Letter (STR) number ST/1214/VI/KEP./2022, the position of the Head of the General Information Section (Kabag Penum) of the Police Public Relations Division will change.

Later, Kombes Nurul Azizah who will serve in that position to replace Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko.

"For the position of the Head of the Penum Division, the Chief of the National Police entrusts a policewoman, so the female policewoman is promoted to the Head of the Penum Division," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Tuesday, June 21.

Meanwhile Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko was promoted to Head of the Multi Media Bureau (Karo Mulmed) of the Police Public Relations Division. With this promotion, he would rank as a one-star general. "Head of the Penum division has also moved to a one-star promotion," said Dedi.

Previously reported, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo overhauled the structure of the Bhayangkara Corps. There are at least 452 members who have been rotated from their positions, starting from the level of the Regional Police Chief to the Head of the Resort Police in various regions.

In detail, 37 generals and 1 middle officer (pamen) were replaced due to retirement. Then, 38 generals and 414 pamen, as well as 120 police chiefs were removed from their positions.