Minister Of Trade Zulkifli Hasan Targets The Cooking Oil Issue To Be Completed In 2 Months

JAKARTA - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan is targeting the issue of distribution, availability, and controlling cooking oil prices to be resolved in the next 1-2 months. Met at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Monday, before attending a plenary cabinet meeting led by President Joko Widodo, the newly inaugurated Zulkifli. replacing Muhammad Lutfi last week, admitted that he had found a common thread in the cooking oil problem.

"Indeed, this bulk oil I already know the common thread, yes. There are three distribution channels, there are 10,000 points, now I'm ordering it to be installed at more than 10,000 points, people can buy it at a price of Rp. 14,000," he said.

Zulkifli said that later in more than 10,000 it would be supplied for a full 24 hours and monitored if there was a delay in supply and so on. The man who is familiarly called Zulhas believes that this solution can solve the problem of bulk cooking oil distribution lines. The second step that Zulhas has prepared is to developed a simple packaging for bulk oil. The hope is to facilitate the distribution process, especially in reaching remote areas of Indonesia.

"For example, how to carry gallons if you are far away. For example, in Maluku, yes, so where the packaging can be received later, the distribution route will be easier. Rp. 14,000 was carried out," said Zulkifli.

It is known that Zulhas was sworn in as the Indonesian Minister of Trade to replace Muhammad Lutfi on Wednesday, June 15. In line with President Jokowi's expectations, Trade Minister Zulhas is expected to focus on dealing with domestic trade issues.

The election of Zulhas is believed by President Jokowi to be able to solve existing problems, ranging from supply chain problems to the soaring prices of basic goods including cooking oil.

President Jokowi views Zulhas as having a long experience and track record and will be very good for the position of Minister of Trade.

Food and food affairs require field experience and require fieldwork and directly see issues that are primarily related to the basic needs of the people and this is the main key to basic needs in the country.