Surati Tjahjo Kumolo, Riau Islands Governor Asks Kemenpan-RB To Review Honorary Abolition

TANJUNGPINANG - Governor of the Riau Islands (Kepri) Ansar Ahmad asked the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) to review the circular regarding the elimination of government honorary workers starting in 2023.

"If everything is deleted immediately, I think it needs to be reviewed again, because the existence of honorariums is still needed," said Ansar in Tanjungpinang, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 17.

Ansar suggested that the central government rationalize honorary staff according to the needs of local governments in order to maximize public services.

He said that currently the number of honorary employees within the Riau Islands Provincial Government has reached more than 7,000 people, consisting of Freelance Daily Workers (THL), Non-Permanent Employees (PTT), and Non ASN/Teacher Contract Workers (PTK).

"The numbers are indeed crowded, and quite a burden on the APBD. But, while their energy can still be distributed, we will still accommodate the budget," said Ansar.

The former member of the DPR also reminded all Heads of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) of the Riau Islands Provincial Government to no longer appoint new honorary staff considering the current number is more than sufficient.

"We do not have a budget for the appointment of new honorary staff, except to replace positions as needed," said Ansar.

Ansar said that his party has also written to the Kemenpan-RB so that it can consider the appointment of honorary employees through the CPNS and P3K test routes.

"In fact, if in the future we have to become outsourcing staff or be transferred to a third party. We are ready to implement the policy," said Ansar.