Sri Mulyani Equips The Regional Head Of PDIP On Research And Innovation: Research Can't Be Alone, Meditating Then Getting Insights, It's Not

JAKARTA - The Minister of Finance who is also Deputy Chair of the Steering Committee of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Sri Mulyani provided briefing related to BRIN for regional heads from the PDI-P.

"Research can't be done alone, meditating and getting ideas, no. Research is a collaboration," Sri said when she was a resource person at the Coordination Meeting (Rakor) of Regional Heads/Deputy Heads at the PDI-P Party School, South Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 17. .

Sri Mulyani gave a presentation entitled Regulation of the Ministry of Finance for Strengthening Budgets to Support Sustainable Regional Research and Innovation.

Sri Mulyani started by explaining the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic which was not over yet and world geopolitics.

When discussing the relationship between the center and the regions, including the matter of the budget, Sri hoped the heads/deputy heads of regions to think openly.

Sri Mulyani supports regional heads to become leaders who maintain the interests and sustainability and security of Indonesia.

He also emphasized that the foundation of research and innovation is collaboration, including with regional heads.

Meanwhile, North Sulawesi Governor Olly Dondokambey hoped that the information received by the coordination meeting participants could broaden understanding and knowledge and accelerate regional BRIN.

Olly Dondokambey said that the Minister of Finance provided an explanation of the enormous benefits of BRIN. This needs to be understood by regional heads because in the end there will be the formation of BRINDA (regional BRIN).

"So that what the President and the General Chairperson want as Chair of the BRIN Steering Committee can go according to expectations. The benefits can be felt by regions with regional BRIN performance," he explained.

Olly believes that regional heads from the PDI-P have an understanding of the BRIN institution. However, it still needs to be deepened.

"Today the regional heads received a more detailed explanation. Yesterday they explained how the organizational structure and formation of regional BRIN and BRIN were. This is in more detail how the function of regional heads is to encourage excellent programs for the advancement of research in Indonesia," said Olly.