PLN Records 22,600 Electricity Customers In NTT Experiences Tariff Adjustments

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) East Nusa Tenggara Regional Main Unit noted that as many as 22,600 economically capable electricity customers in the province will experience electricity tariff adjustments starting in July 2022.

"Electricity customers who can afford it will be subject to a tariff adjustment from Rp1,444.7 per kWh to Rp1,699.53 per kWh," said General Manager of PLN UIW NTT Agustinus Jatmiko as quoted by Antara, Friday, June 17.

Tariff adjustments are applied to household customers R2 with a power of 3,500 VA-5,500 VA as many as 21,000 customers and R3 with a power of 6,600 VA and above as many as 1,600 customers.

Meanwhile, government customers P1 with a power of 6,600 VA-200 kVA and P3 the tariff is adjusted from Rp. 1,444,7 kWh to Rp. 1,699.53 per kWh.

P2 government customers with power above 200 kVA have the tariff adjusted from Rp. 1,114.74 kWh to Rp. 1,522.88 kWh.

Jatmiko said that this tariff adjustment was carried out in order to realize a fair electricity tariff in which compensation was given to the people who were entitled to it.

"For people who can afford it, pay electricity tariffs according to the economy. The application of compensation is returned to the government's philosophy of assistance, which is intended for poor families," he said.

"So this is an adjustment, in which the assistance or compensation must be received by the families who are entitled to receive it," he said.

He explained that since 2017, there has never been an increase in electricity rates for all customer tariff groups.

To ensure that there is no increase in electricity tariffs, he said, the government has disbursed a national electricity subsidy of Rp. 243.3 trillion and compensation of Rp. 94.17 trillion from 2017 to 2021.

In the implementation process, he continued, affluent community groups, namely household customers of 3,500 VA and above, also received compensation in a relatively large amount.

Throughout 2017-2021, the total compensation for these customer categories reached Rp4 trillion.

"Moreover, this year we are facing global turmoil which has resulted in an increase in the basic cost of providing electricity. So that in 2022 alone, the government is projected to need to prepare compensation of Rp. 65.9 trillion," he said.