West Aceh BPBD's Fire Truck Flips Over While Gliding To Extinguish Fire In Lango Village, 1 Officer Dies

JAKARTA - The West Aceh Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) explained that a firefighter named Miftahul Jannah (28) died after a fire engine crashed in Meunuang Kinco Village, Pante Ceureumen District, West Aceh, Thursday, June 16 afternoon.

"Our member died while trying to extinguish a fire in Lango Village, Pante Ceureumen District, West Aceh Regency," said West Aceh BPBD Pusdalops Coordinator Mashuri in Meulaboh as quoted by Antara, Friday, June 17.

He explained that Miftahul Jannah was a member of the fire department who was registered as a resident of Alue Tampak Village, Kaway XVI District, West Aceh Regency.

The victim died after the fire brigade he was riding with three colleagues had an accident while trying to extinguish a fire in Pante Ceuremen District, West Aceh.

"The victim died because it was suspected that the front of the fire engine had been squeezed after the accident," said Mashuri.

Apart from one person who died, he said, three other firefighters survived the incident.

As for the identities of the survivors, namely Zaiton (34) a resident of Pasi Jeumpa Village, Zulkifli (38) a resident of Pasi Meugat, Khairil Anwar (27) a resident of Ulee Rakeet, Kaway XVI District, West Aceh, said Mashuri.

Meanwhile, West Aceh Police Chief AKBP Pandji Santoso said his party was currently investigating the incident of the firefighter fleet accident in this area.