Promise Head Of Public Health Center To ASN Langkat North Sumatra, Gadungan BIN Member Arrested

MEDAN - The Langkat Police Team, North Sumatra (North Sumatra) arrested Refi Fouzi PA (53) for fraud by claiming to be a member of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said the perpetrators scammed the ASN of the Langkat District Health Service named Ahmad Yani (45).

Kombes Hadi said that the fraud committed by the perpetrators began on June 9 afternoon. At that time, the victim handed over Rp. 200,000 to the perpetrator.

"With the lure so that the victim is not examined by the KPK. The perpetrators also threatened by saying there was an alleged corruption of the Health Operational Assistance Fund (BOK) committed by the victim," he said, Tuesday, June 14.

In the evening, the perpetrator again contacted the victim to meet again in Stabat City, Langkat. Then on the afternoon of June 13, the victim met the perpetrator at a cafe in Stabat City.

"At that time the perpetrator admitted that he was a BIN personnel with the rank of Colonel. The perpetrator claimed to be able to take care of the victim as the Head of the Brandan Health Center within the Health Service, Langkat Regency," continued Kombes Hadi.

The perpetrator's words managed to trick the victim and hand over an administrative fee of Rp. 500 thousand.

"After that, the victim realized and confirmed to his family who are police officers at the Langkat Police," he said.

The police who received the information immediately coordinated with North Sumatra's BIN. After that, the perpetrator was immediately arrested by the Langkat Police Provost.

"Currently, the person concerned has been secured at the Langkat Police Headquarters for further investigation," said Hadi.