Seasoned Investor Lo Kheng Hong: If Someone Swaps Wonderful Company Shares With A Digital Bank, It's A Tragedy For Him

JAKARTA - A seasoned investor in the stock market, Lo Kheng Hong admits that he is still reluctant to buy shares in digital banks or technology companies. The man who is called Warren Buffet Indonesia said this when he was a guest on the podcast owned by Cat Avian boss, conglomerate Hermanto Tanoko on the YouTube channel.

Hermanto Tanoko asked Lo Kheng Hong's opinion on digital bank shares and technology companies. This is because many investors are interested in investing their money in these companies.

In fact, said Hermanto, many have also released the shares they already own to buy shares of digital companies.

"For him, his shares, which are wonderful companies, he exchanged for digital bank shares and technology, it was a tragedy for him," replied Lo Kheng Hong, quoted Monday, June 13.

Furthermore, Lo Kheng Hong explained, the tragedy was because investors already owned shares of good companies but sold them and bought shares of companies that lost at an expensive valuation.


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- -Indonesia


"He has a wonderful company, he goes into a company that loses and its valuation is expensive, eventually it goes down. So, if he sells shares in a wonderful company and he goes into a technology and digital company, it's a tragedy for him," said Lo Kheng Hong.

The man who is familiarly called Pak Lo assessed that although digital bank shares experienced an extraordinary increase, the increase was not supported by large fundamentals and profits.

"A loss-making company whose valuation is very expensive, of course we don't dare to touch it. We don't think about the increase, but we have to think about the downside, the risk. So if you enter a company like that for me, it's high risk low gain. I usually choose shares of companies that are low risk high gain," explained Mr. Lo.