Receives Doctoral Degree From Trisakti University, Army Chief Of Staff General Dudung Talks Leadership Style

JAKARTA - Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General TNI Dudung Abdurachman, who recently received his doctorate from Trisakti University, said that green human resources management style leadership with a calm attitude in leading members had a positive effect on teamwork.

"Leadership with a green human resource management style with shade has a positive effect on teamwork (teamwork) in carrying out tasks," said Dudung when presenting his dissertation at the Doctoral Open Session of the Trisakti University Economics Study Program, Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Saturday, June 11. .

In his dissertation entitled "The Influence of Strategic Leadership Style and Green Human Resource Management on the Performance Management of Kodam Jaya Mediated by Teamwork Management", Dudung also explained that the development of a comfortable work environment from the leadership to all team members, in this case TNI soldiers, will foster growth love for each other.

"Building a comfortable environment for all soldiers which in the end fosters love," he said.

The winner of a doctorate in economics from Trisakti University said that every leader needs to involve all subordinates in making decisions.

The embodiment of a leadership style filled with shade or implementing green human resource management can be implemented by all leaders by prioritizing humanist and empathetic actions.

"There is no tension, anger, anger, and suppression, precisely with this approach, with greater empathy, soldiers will carry out their duties well and ultimately this teamwork will be solid," he said.

In addition, continued Dudung, a leader also needs to be brave in making a decision.

He gave an example of such a brave attitude as when he served as Pangdam Jaya, namely lowering billboards containing elements of provocation in the Jakarta area.

"One of them was the reduction of billboards. At that time, I had to decide with the situation and conditions. Of course, based on information from the regional police chief, governor, and Satpol PP, the mechanism worked in such a way, the procedure was carried out in accordance with the provisions," he said.