Bathing Eril Ridwan Kamil's Body Video Call, Mother Atalia Praratya's Feelings Are Mixed

JAKARTA - Atalia Praratya, Ridwan Kamil's wife, couldn't hold back her emotions when her husband bathed the body of their baby Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz alias Eril.

This was known through Atalia's latest Instagram upload. Atalia was seen looking at the phone screen when she saw her husband informing him that he had washed Eril's body through a video call.

"Oh God," said the wife of the former mayor of Bandung with mixed feelings.

Atalia was accompanied by four of her best friends. Looking at Ridwan Kamil who was wearing a dark colored vest, he told the story. When he found out that Eril had been brought to life under Islamic law, Atalia covered her mouth in pain.

Ridwan Kamil washed Eril's body two days after 14 days of searching, finally Eril was found. Ridwan Kamil's son was swept away in the Aare River, Bern, Switzerland on May 26.

In his Instagram account, Ridwan Kamil also informed that he had washed Eril like a corpse to be buried. He said he was grateful for the opportunity to run it according to Islamic law.

"Alhamdulillah, O Allah. Finally you gave me the opportunity to hug, caress and bathe my child according to Islamic law," said Ridwan Kamil in his Instagram account, @ridwankamil, Friday 10 June.

The man who is familiar with who is called Kang Emil also prays to Eril in his right ear as a sign of the entry of prayer times. He also testified that his son's body, which had been drifting for 14 days in the Aare River, was still intact with the scent of eucalyptus leaves.

"Masha Allah. Even though 14 days have passed, the body is still intact, not missing anything, a neat face looking to the right and I testify, Eril's body smells like eucalyptus leaves. It's a small miracle for which we are very grateful," said Ridwan Kamil.

Not to forget, Ridwan Kamil thanked the Indonesian people for praying for Eril to be found on Wednesday, June 8, Swiss time.

"Hi Eril, it's time for you to return to your country, to say thank you to the millions who prayed for you," said Ridwan Kamil.