The Low Quantity Of Enforcement Until Internal Destruction Is Allegedly The Reason For The Decline Of Public Trust In The KPK

JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said there were several things that caused the level of public trust in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to decline. One of them is the low quantity and quality of prosecution.

This was conveyed by ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana in response to the survey results released by the Indonesian Political Indicators Survey Institute. In the survey, the KPK is the law enforcement officer with the lowest level of public trust.

"If you look closely at the latest times, starting from the low quantity and quality of prosecution, the wrong direction of the corruption prevention strategy, to the dilapidated internal management of institutions, of course, the public is skeptical of the KPK," Kurnia said in her written statement, Friday, June 10.

The level of public trust is also low due to a series of controversies to political gimmicks. In fact, on the one hand, the KPK has never shown any achievements.

"Not to mention the ethical problems of the commissioners, for example Firli (KPK Chair Firli Bahuri) and Lili (KPK Deputy Chair Lili Pintauli Siregar) who were proven to have violated the Supervisory Board," he said.

With the existing conditions, ICW is certainly not surprised to hear the news of the drop in the level of public trust in the anti-corruption commission. Moreover, changes to the KPK Law (UU) and the entry of commissioners who are considered problematic have been symptoms of deflation from the start.

This form of public distrust, continued Kurnia, should also be concrete evidence of the failure of the corruption eradication strategy. Not only that, the survey results are considered to be a blow so that the KPK leaders immediately retire because they are unable to carry out their duties.

"ICW proposes that the troubled commissioner should retire early from the KPK by resigning," he said.

"This form of public distrust is concrete evidence of the failure of the corruption eradication strategy promoted by the government and the DPR for revising the KPK Law and red report cards for Firli Bahuri and four other commissioners," added Kurnia.

As previously reported, the Indonesian Political Indicator released the institutions with the highest level of trust in the TNI, reaching 85.3 percent; President 73.3 percent; Police 66.6 percent; Attorney General's Office 60.5 percent; and Courts with 51.1 percent.

As for the KPK, the level of trust reached 49.8 percent. Other institutions under the KPK are the MPR, the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), the DPR, and political parties.

The survey was conducted using random digital dialing (RDD), which is a technique for selecting samples through a random telephone number generation process. The number of respondents involved were 1,213 people who were randomly selected with a margin of error of 2.9 percent and a confidence level of 95 percent.