Vice President Requests Settlement Of Land Rights At Borders To Be Priority

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked that the settlement of land rights at the border can be a common concern in order to uphold the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and avoid conflicts with other countries.

This was conveyed by the Vice President in his online directive at the Closing of the Agrarian Reform Task Force (GTRA Summit 2022) Summit from Jakarta, Thursday, June 9.

"I ask that the settlement of land rights in border areas, such as the legalization of assets in the 111 outermost small islands, must be our common concern. Legalization of assets is very important to uphold the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia and avoid conflicts related to the legal status of the country's territory with other countries," he said. The vice president was reported by Antara.

Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that the arrangement of assets and access in coastal areas as well as remote and disadvantaged areas requires commitment, among others, by providing legal certainty of land rights.

The settlement of land rights in border areas, according to him, will revive border areas as the front page of the state which in turn will improve people's welfare.

"The summit meeting of GTRA 2022 in Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, is expected to be a model or pilot for solving agrarian problems for communities in coastal areas in an integrated manner. This meeting should also be able to accelerate the implementation of the Agrarian Reform Program for the welfare of all people," said the Vice President.