Iriana Jokowi Reviewing Stunting Handling In Mola Wakatobi Village

JAKARTA - First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo (Jokowi) took the time to review the handling of stunting in Mola Village, Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, while accompanying President Jokowi on a series of working visits.

In Mola Village, located on Wangiwangi Island, Iriana asked about the prevalence of stunting to one of the Mola Utara Village Empowerment and Family Welfare (PKK) Activators, Marnia.

"In the 3rd month of the 27th after the inauguration of stunting at the Pesta's house, which was 21 people, in the 4th month it decreased to 10 people. In the 5th month, the posyandu has gone down to 6 people," said Marnia, quoted by Antara from the press release of the Secretariat Press Bureau. President, Thursday, June 9th.

Iriana welcomed the positive progress in reducing the monthly stunting rate in Mola Village.

"Hopefully stunting will decrease," said Iriana.

Iriana also reviewed how to fulfill nutritional intake for children in Mola Village, whether they were stunted or not.

Marnia explained that with the richness of Wakatobi's marine resources, fish that have good protein content for children's growth and development are an option.

In addition to nutritional intake from seafood, PKK members in Mola Village also always prepare additional supporting foods such as corn porridge or croquettes which are given to children every week.

"We make more porridge from corn, usually croquettes, or dragon legs. We will make it later in one week, one month. Later, at the posyandu on the 21st, we will make additional food," said Marnia.

For information, last February the Regent of Wakatobi Haliana designated North Mola Village as a pilot project of the Stunting Cares Disaster Response Village.

In addition, Haliana also inaugurated a stunting care house (Pesta) which is expected to be able to help reduce stunting prevalence in Wakatobi.