Public Trust In KPK Drops Under Police-AGO, Ex-Employee: Just Disband

JAKARTA - Former employee of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who is now a legal practitioner of the Visi Law Office, Rasamala Aritonang said the KPK should be disbanded.

This statement was made after the KPK became a law enforcement agency with the lowest level of trust among other institutions, such as the Attorney General's Office and the National Police. This condition is reflected in the results of a national survey that was held on May 18-24.

"I suggest that the KPK be disbanded. Strengthen the prosecutor's office," said Rasamala as quoted from his Twitter account, @RasamalaArt on Thursday, June 9.

Strengthening the Prosecutor's Office, he continued, could be done by allocating the entire budget of the KPK. This is considered to be able to affect the performance of the Adhyaksa Corps compared to continuing to finance the anti-corruption commission whose performance continues to decline.

"Starting by moving the large KPK budget to the Prosecutor's Office to increase the remuneration of the Prosecutor, that way we can encourage the performance of the AGO to be even more maximal," he said.

As for the prevention function, Rasamala said, the KPK could join other institutions. "KPK should be combined with the ombudsman to focus on prevention," he said.

As previously reported, the Indonesian Political Indicator released the institutions with the highest level of trust in the TNI, reaching 85.3 percent; President 73.3 percent; Police 66.6 percent; Attorney General's Office 60.5 percent; and Courts with 51.1 percent.

As for the KPK, the level of trust reached 49.8 percent. Other institutions under the KPK are the MPR, the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), the DPR RI, and political parties.

The survey was conducted using random digital dialing (RDD), which is a technique for selecting samples through a random phone number generation process. The number of respondents involved were 1,213 people who were randomly selected with a margin of error of 2.9 percent and a confidence level of 95 percent.