Police Reveal Perpetrators Of Fetal Abortion Stored In Bottles In Makassar

MAKASSAR - The Makassar Police, South Sulawesi, revealed that the perpetrators of abortion were storing the baby's fetus until it rotted in a drinking bottle in a cardboard box at his rented house in Biringkanaya.

"At that time, the owner checked the condition of the boarding house, and ordered someone to clean it up. Something suspicious was found, it turned out that the suspected item was examined to resemble a baby," Makassar Police Chief Kombes Budhi Haryanto told reporters as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 8.

The incident began when witness Nulfulah Anugrhwaty and the owner of the boarding house saw the cardboard box in the rented room number 3, which was rented by a female suspect with the initials NW.

Since December 2021, he has reasoned to return to Kendari, then return to Makassar. After that, he asked for permission to return to Toraja, the reason being that his parents were sick.

However, after six months, the person concerned did not come and did not pay the rent. Because there are people who want to rent the room, so it is cleaned, and moved the goods in the box to the warehouse room.

Later, there was a foul smell coming from the room, then the smell was suspected in a cardboard box, and then it was released on the terrace of his house on Saturday (4/6).

Together with her husband, they called the head of the RT and residents to open the box. It turned out that it contained a baby fetus stored in several plastic drinking bottles, tightly covered with duct tape and covered with clothes. It is suspected that the body of the fetus was in a state of disintegration in the bottle.

After this incident, residents reported the discovery to the police. The team then followed up on the findings and concluded that the fetus was estimated to be five months old and in a lifeless condition.

"We conclude that this is a criminal incident where a person performs an abortion. From there we conduct an investigation. And today we have arrested the person who carried out the abortion. And not long after, we arrested a different person in Kalimantan," said the Police Chief.

Budhi stated that for the time being a series of investigations is still ongoing, however, his party has named two suspects.

"We have dared to name these two people as suspects. However, because the suspect (the perpetrator's girlfriend) is still on the way, please be patient, we can open it clearly tomorrow," he said.

As for the alleged perpetrator's motive, from the provisional statement, the motive was because the suspect was embarrassed to have sex and then became pregnant or became pregnant. Eventually, the child is either aborted or an abortion.

Meanwhile, according to the suspect's confession, she aborted her pregnancy by drinking a potion. The abortion has been carried out since 2012 until now by moving the place and storing the fetus in a drinking bottle.

"But when the baby or fetus can be aborted, this is rather interesting because it is stored (in a bottle). Therefore, later I will investigate why the person concerned can do this," he said.

"He is an employee whose job is in health, has medical experience. His partner, (has been secured) he is with his partner (during the abortion)," said Budhi added.