Compose An International Code Of Medical Ethics, PB IDI Flys To Thailand To Represent Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PD IDI) became the Indonesian delegation in the preparation of the International Medical Code of Ethics at the World Medical Association (WMA) Regional Meeting for Asia On the International Code of Medical Ethics (ICoME) in Bangkok, Thailand.

"The Code of Medical Ethics is the main dimension of the value of the medical profession in its professional service based on peer ethics and moral responsibility to the community," said IDI Advisory Council Sukman Tulus Putra in a written statement, Wednesday, June 8.

The meeting which has been taking place since the beginning of this week is part of the development of the International Medical Code of Ethics. Besides being represented by Sukman Tulus, PB IDI also sent Eka Ginanjar from the International Relations Division, and Pukovisa Prawiroharjo from the IDI Medical Services Development Council (MPPK).

Sukman said the professional code of ethics as a moral code is a form of IDI in overseeing health development cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Health to support the pillars of health transformation covering health services, education, and research.

IDI's Medical Services Development Council (MPPK), Puskovisa Prawiroharjo, said the six pillars of health transformation are strategic policies for the future of the nation's health to relate to the declaration of IDI's role as an agent of change, development, and the health defense system.

He said IDI's proactive attitude was an effort to open up transparency in the role of doctors in serving the wider community by not forgetting the ethical values of peers and social change in society.

Several topics that became the main discussion in the meeting, among others, telemedicine services, the role of doctors in emergency positions, and informed consent or medical action on patients, and the principle of patient autonomy.

Meanwhile, Eka Ginanjar who represented the International Relations Division of PB IDI said the meeting was a follow-up to the joint declaration of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland in May 2022.

In addition to developing together the International Medical Code of Ethics as part of the protection and safety of patients and the public, this event also aims to strengthen IDI's international relations.

In addition to IDI, which is the official association of doctors from Indonesia, which is recognized worldwide, the World Medical Association also invited 15 official doctor associations from 15 other countries.

Besides being actively involved in the preparation of this International Medical Code of Ethics, PB IDI will also host the World Medical Association conference in Jakarta in July 2022.