Calls The US Fabricating False Information About Its Military Bases In Cambodia, China: Classic Psychological Terror

JAKARTA - Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said the United States was fabricating false information about Beijing's construction of a military base in Cambodia to pressure the country's authorities.

"As far as I know, Cambodia has commented on this report. Cambodia has indicated that its constitution does not allow the construction of foreign military bases on its territory," said Zhao Lijian, TASS reported on June 8.

"The US ignores the position of the Cambodian side, makes malicious speculations, demeans, even threatens and pressures this country. This is classic psychological terror," the diplomat stressed.

He further noted that China and Cambodia are partners, and their cooperation is transparent and rational. While on the other hand, he said the US has hundreds of military bases abroad, always meddling in the internal affairs of other countries.

"The US has 800 overseas bases, and its military budget is roughly the same as the defense spending of the next nine countries combined," the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman criticized.

"The US interferes in other countries' internal affairs at every opportunity, and its warplanes and ships swing swords at other countries' doors. Who then endangers global and regional security and stability, who spreads false information? ? Everyone knows that," Zhao Lijian concluded.

It is known, The Washington Post reported on Monday, citing its own sources, that China is secretly building facilities for its Navy in Cambodia. According to the newspaper, both countries are trying to hide this information.

The newspaper also pointed out that China expects to maintain a presence in the northern part of Cambodia's Ream Naval Base in the Gulf of Thailand. According to the Washington Post, the groundbreaking, which will be attended by representatives from both countries, will be held on Thursday. This will mark the beginning of the renovation and expansion of the base, which will only be used by China.

Previously, The Wall Street Journal reported in 2019, citing sources, that China and Cambodia had signed a secret agreement that gave the PRC military exclusive rights to use the Ream base for 30 years.

According to the Washington Post, a Chinese official confirmed to the publication last weekend that the Chinese military and scientists would use parts of the base. China's only overseas military base is in Djibouti.