Panic! Police Raided Four Men Having Methamphetamine In Their Room

BANYUMAS - The Banyumas Police Narcotics Unit managed to arrest four users of methamphetamine. The four perpetrators were arrested by officers following a raid on a rented house in Kedungwringin Village, Patikraja, Banyumas, Sunday, June 5.

Banyumas Police Chief Kombes Pol Edy Suranta Sitepu through the Banyumas Police Narcotics Head AKP Guntar Arif Setiyoko said that the arrest of the perpetrator was the development of someone who had just transacted methamphetamine with the initials SP.

"From the results of the interrogation, SP bought methamphetamine from someone named HP alias OT who rented a house in Kedungwringin Village", explained AKP Guntar.

Based on this information, the team conducted a raid at the crime scene (TKP), and arrested four adult men who claimed to be named AB, HP alias OT, BD and KS who were partying and transacting methamphetamine.

"During the raids and searches of the four perpetrators, officers managed to find evidence confiscated from suspect AB, namely one transparent plastic clip package containing white powder suspected of having methamphetamine with a gross weight of 2.68 grams and one cell phone unit." he said.

The perpetrators together with the evidence were immediately brought by officers to the Banyumas Police for further examination.

"For the actions of the four perpetrators, they are currently being charged with Article 114 paragraph (1), subsidiary to Article 112 paragraph (1), more subsidiary to Article 127 paragraph (1) letter a of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics," he concluded.