Mayor Of Tasikmalaya Immediately Propose Old Honorary Appointed As PPPK

TASIKMALAYA - Mayor of Tasikmalaya Muhammad Yusuf stated that he would propose all honorary workers with long tenures to be appointed as Government Employees in the Employment Agreement (PPPK) as a form of government attention to their service.

"God willing, this is being arranged, we want to try to propose so that there will be no more honorary staff," the mayor told reporters in Tasikmalaya, Antara, Tuesday, June 7.

A number of workers with honorary status in various environmental offices of the Tasikmalaya City Government are reported to be quite large and hope that they will be appointed as first aid workers.

So far, he said, there are honorary workers who work for decades but their work status has not been able to qualify for first aid due to various reasons. "I have asked whether or not we can propose to become a first aid, maybe, depending on the financial capacity of our region," he said.

He conveyed that so far the selection for first aid appointments has mostly been for health, education, and agriculture formations, while other formations in various offices have no quota for first aid appointments.

If so far it is only receiving first aid at that service, he said, what will happen to those in other services who have the same rights so that their work status can become first aid.

"Now what about other agencies, what are the efforts so that they can also be appointed as first aid workers," he said.

If the proposal for all honorariums can be appointed as first aid, he said, then the rules for the length of service must be clear, for example, they have been honorary for 10 years, while those below that or are new cannot be proposed.

"Honoraries are taken for example for the past 10 years, those who don't need it recently, those who have just been appointed, because there are still many honorary members of our volunteers who have not been appointed," he said.