The Phenomenon Of Thousands Of Fish Clustering On The Beach Of Melasti Bali, Residents Spread Nets

BADUNG - The phenomenon of thousands of fish clustered on the shores of Melasti, Ungasan, Badung, Bali, was caught on video. Residents spread nets to catch fish.
Head of the Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Management (BPSPL) Denpasar, Bali, Permana Yudiarso said the phenomenon was fish schooling.
"It's a fish schooling phenomenon, there are fish that flock together while swimming to find food," said Yudiarso, Friday, June 3.
Yudiarso likened this phenomenon to a group of ducks huddled together with one leader.
"There is a bond of role models like ducks. For example, other leaders will follow. This is normal and for certain types of fish, especially pelagic fish or fish that swim on the surface of the water," he added.
This fish food is chlorophyll, a kind of small animals such as plankton.
"And in Ungasan or in the south of Bali, the beach is directly adjacent to the open ocean, the temperature is right and there is plenty of food. So he clustered there and coincidentally it was near the beach so it looked strange because they were usually in the middle of the sea," he said.