Galau 75 Or 90 Days, Commission II Of The DPR Takes A Decision On The Duration Of The Campaign Period On 7 June

JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR has scheduled a working meeting with the Minister of Home Affairs and a hearing (RDP) with the KPU and Bawaslu on Tuesday, June 7, next week. This meeting is to finalize the discussion on the stages of the 2024 General Election, one of which is related to the duration of the campaign period.

Member of Commission II of the DPR RI, Guspardi Gaus, emphasized that until now there has been no final decision between Commission II of the DPR, the government and election organizers, regarding the duration of the 2024 election campaign period. Is it 75 days or 90 days as agreed by the KPU with President Joko Widodo.

"The decision on the duration of the campaign period will be determined in a working meeting (raker) and RDP decision-making between Commission II, the government and the election organizers, which are rescheduled for June 7, 2022," Guspardi told reporters in Jakarta, Friday, May 3.

Furthermore, Guspardi explained, in the DPR Commission II consignment meeting on 13-15 ago, the duration of the campaign period had been discussed. The consignment meeting, said Guspardi, is to equalize perceptions and understanding on a number of issues that still have differences of opinion, not an official decision-making meeting.

Initially, said Guspardi, the KPU proposed 120 days, the government asked for 90 days and the majority of the factions in Commission II wanted 60 to 75 days. "However, after a long discussion, it was finally agreed on the duration of the campaign period of 75 days with two conditions," he explained.

With that requirement, he continued, the KPU asked the government to make regulations in the form of Presidential Decrees (Keppres) and so on to smooth things out related to the mechanism and procurement of election logistics. Second, the technical problem of resolving election disputes can be shortened, namely that there will be discussions with the Supreme Court (MA).

"If the two conditions can be met by the relevant institutions, it is believed that the 2024 election campaign period can be shortened to 75 days," he explained.

Later, he added, an agreement emerged with President Jokowi regarding the 90-day campaign duration. Guspardi said President Jokowi's opinion and direction regarding the duration of the campaign period would be considered by Commission II together with the government and election organizers in determining and deciding the duration of the campaign period.

"Commission II has asked the KPU to create scenarios and simulations for the 75-day campaign period. However, the results of this simulation have not been reported to Commission II of the DPR," he said.