Allegedly Defaming, Refly Harun Reports @_ekonkuntadhi And Rizal Afif Who Claim To Be Paid Rp7 Million

JAKARTA - Constitutional law expert Refly Harun reported Rizal Afif (28) and the owner of the Twitter account @_ekonkuntadhi to the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit. The report relates to allegations of defamation.

Rizal Afif is a suspect in the kidnapping and sexual abuse of 12 children in Jakarta, Bogor and South Tangerang.

"I have reported two people in this LP, the first is Rizal Afif, the second is the @_ekonkuntadhi account that went viral," Refly told reporters, Thursday, June 2.

The allegation of defamation was because Rizal Afif suddenly made a statement saying that Refly Harun was paid Rp. 7 million. The money was used as wages for admitting to being a terrorist convict (napiter).

In fact, Refly stated that he never gave money and arranged for Rizal Afif to admit that he was a prisoner. Moreover, Refly was new to the figure of Rizal.

"Accused of giving money, accused of setting up. Yes, and then they are badmouthed," he said.

Thus, Rizal Afif's confession was very detrimental to him. Because it interferes with his credibility as a Youtuber.

"I'm like a podcaster and a Youtuber, it's important that people trust me. Apart from being a Youtuber and a podcaster, I'm also an opinion maker in the legal field. If something like this happens, it will disturb my credibility," said Refly.

Meanwhile, the report is registered with the number LP/B/0257/VI/2022/SPKT/Bareskrim Polri. The two reported parties are suspected of violating Article 27 paragraph 3 of the Indonesian Law number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law number 11 of 2008 concerning electronic information and Article 310 of the Criminal Code, as well as 311 of the Criminal Code.