Observers Suspect Jokowi-Megawati Relations Are Tense, The Cause Is Because Of The Presidential Candidate Support Code

JAKARTA - For political observers, the relationship between President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the chairman of the PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri is strained. In the observer's analysis by relating one event to another, the estrangement of Jokowi and Megawati's relationship is illustrated through several moments.

Once again, in the opinion of political observers, this estrangement became even more apparent when Megawati and Puan Maharani were not present at Jokowi's sister's wedding, coupled with Mega-Puan's absence at the Pancasila Birthday commemoration ceremony in Ende, NTT.

Political communication expert at Paramadina University, Hendri Satrio, said that Jokowi and Megawati had been estranged since Eid al-Fitr. Where Jokowi did not directly visit Megawati's residence.

"The code for the relationship between Megawati and Jokowi is stretched from Eid al-Fitr, Pak Jokowi didn't go to Teuku Umar but instead went to the Sultan of Yogyakarta. After going to Jakarta, he didn't go directly to Teuku Umar," Hendri told reporters, Thursday, June 2.

Then, continued Hendri, his condition was made worse by Jokowi's statement about 'milk milk' related to the 2024 presidential candidate at the opening of the Projo National Working Meeting.

In the event which was attended by Ganjar Pranowo, said Hendri, Jokowi in his analysis, clearly gave a strong signal that he did not support Puan Maharani.

"The statement made by Mr. Jokowi in Magelang is even worse. He said he was having milk but he himself slipped that the one he supported might be here. PDI-P is still raising Puan Maharani, but she is not there," he said.