74 Livestock Positive For PMK In Kulon Progo, DPP Stops Shipping To Outside Regions

KULON PROGO - The Department of Agriculture and Food of Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, noted that 74 livestock spread across four sub-districts have tested positive for mouth and nail disease since early May.

Head of the Animal Health Division at the Kulon Progo Agriculture and Food Service (DPP), Sudarmanto in Kulon Progo, Wednesday, June 1, said that after the discovery of mouth and nail disease (FMD) in Galur District as many as 12 livestock animals, then officers also found the spread of FMD in Kalibawang sub-district as many as 40 cows and nine goats.

Furthermore, Temon District found four cows, and Girimulyo District nine cows.

"The PMK findings are from mid to May 31. There is a possibility of additional PMK cases from Girimulyo and Kalibawang sub-districts. But the data just came in tonight," said Sudarmanto, quoting Antara, Wednesday, June 1.

He said that of the total livestock that were tested positive for PMK, not all were from laboratory test results from the Wates Veterinary Center, but clinical symptoms. This is due to the limited testing tools available at BBVet Wates.

"The clinical condition is almost the same as the sample sent to the laboratory. So it can be said that it is positive for PMK," he said.

Sudarmanto said that livestock that were positive for PMK were imported from outside the region. As livestock in Galur were imported from Magelang, so were the findings in Kalibawang from traders selling in Muntilan.

Meanwhile in Girimulyo, there are big traders who bring livestock from East Java, especially Banyuwangi. For the Temon area, it was obtained from Girimulyo, which had previously been supplied from East Java.

All animals that were positive for PMK and suspected were immediately treated by officers at each of the PMK Task Force Command Posts. Then disinfection is carried out in every cattle pen so that the environment is also healthy.

"We have done treatment and sterilization and 11 of them have recovered, although they are still being treated," he said.

To prevent transmission, DPP stopped sending livestock outside the area. The agency will also not issue an animal health certificate (SKKH) as a condition for sending animals to areas outside Kulon Progo.

"For the time being we are preventing shipments, while the incoming ones are rather difficult," he said.