Residents Around Ogan Watershed, OKU Regency Asked To Beware Of Flash Floods

BATURAJA - Residents living around the Ogan Watershed (DAS), Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra, were asked to increase their vigilance against flash floods during the rainy season in order to minimize disaster risk. ) Amzar Kristopa in Baturaja, Tuesday, May 31, said that the high intensity of rainfall that has occurred in OKU Regency since the last few days is feared to cause the Ogan River to overflow and potentially cause flash floods. BMKG has issued an early warning for flood disasters following the detection of cumulonimbus clouds in the OKU Regency sky which This has the potential to be a tornado and if accompanied by heavy rain it can invite flash floods. For this reason, Amzar reminded residents who live along riverbanks, especially in disaster-prone areas, to increase their vigilance because flash floods can occur at any time. two districts that are prone to te Flash floods occurred during the peak of the rainy season, namely Ulu Ogan and Muara Jaya Subdistricts. "Almost every year these two sub-districts are hit by flash floods due to overflowing of the Ogan River," he explained, quoted by Antara.

As an effort to deal with natural disasters, his party has sent an early warning letter to each sub-district and coordinated with related parties in the area. The OKU BPBD has also established disaster management posts in all sub-districts and alerted personnel so that natural disasters can be handled as early as possible. continue to monitor the development of the BMKG satellite so that at any time it can know the weather conditions in OKU Regency," he said.