Bulk Cooking Oil Subsidy Ends, Cawang Market Traders: Same, Prices From Agents Above Subsidies

JAKARTA – It was feared that bulk cooking oil would increase when the subsidy from the government ended, it turned out that a number of traders at the Cawang Kavling Market, East Jakarta, revealed that this was not the case.

Edi, one of the traders, said the price of bulk cooking oil he received from the agent was already above the government subsidy price, which was around Rp. 14 thousand per liter.

"My response is whether it is revoked or not, it's the same thing. We received it from the agency that the subsidy was already above the subsidy," said Edi in Jakarta, Tuesday.

Based on the information obtained, Edi said that traders like himself must include a photocopy of their ID card and NPWP in order to get subsidized cooking oil.

"He said he had to use an ID card and NPWP, but no one offered it," said Edi.

Another trader, Kamaludin, said the same thing, who said that many people were disappointed because they could not get subsidized bulk cooking oil at the Cawang Kavling Market.

"Consumers are saying, 'isn't it a subsidized price?' They don't know that I haven't registered. If from there it was Rp. 20 thousand per liter, so I sold it properly," said Kamaludin.

Previously, the subsidized bulk cooking oil supply program coordinated by the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) would stop its implementation on May 31, 2022.

This provision is contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 26 of 2022 concerning the Third Amendment to the Minister of Industry Number 8 of 2022 concerning the Provision of Bulk Cooking Oil for the Needs of the Community, Micro Enterprises, and Small Businesses in the Financing Framework for the Fund Management Agency for Palm Oil Plantations (BPDPKS).

"In this regard, business actors can submit an application for payment of bulk cooking oil financing by business actors to BPDPKS online through the National Industrial Information System (SIINas) no later than July 31, 2022," said Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita.

In the context of providing bulk cooking oil and optimizing its distribution for the needs of the community, micro-enterprises, and small businesses, the government changed the rules for providing bulk cooking oil within the framework of financing by BPDPKS, according to the results of the maritime and investment coordination meeting on 19 May 2022.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Industry issued Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 26 of 2022 concerning the Third Amendment to the Minister of Industry Number 8 of 2022 concerning Provision of Bulk Cooking Oil for the Needs of the Community, Micro Enterprises, and Small Businesses within the Framework for Funding for BPDPKS.