Viral Jambret Gold Bracelet Women In Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan Was Beaten By Mobs When Falling From Motorcycle, 2 Perpetrators Are Now Arrested

BANJARBARU - Viral video of a woman's gold bracelet snatcher in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. The perpetrator was beaten by the crowd before finally being arrested by the police.
The robbery took place on Jalan Trikora, Ulin Platform, Banjarbaru City, Friday, May 27 morning. The Head of Banjarbaru Police, AKBP Nur Khamid, through the Head of Public Relations of the Banjarbaru Police, AKP Tajudin Noor, said that the victim of the robbery was named Siti Fatimah (52). The victim was snatched when he was about to leave for work at the Banjarbaru Idaman Regional Hospital.
Fatimah, who was driving her motorbike at that time, was snatched in the middle of the road by 2 perpetrators with the initials MN (22) and BL (33).
"In the middle of his journey, he was grabbed by 2 (two) perpetrators who came using a motorbike from the left of the victim. A moment later, the MN perpetrator immediately pulled the bracelet belonging to the victim that he was wearing on his left wrist," said AKP Tajudin, quoted from a written statement, Saturday, May 28.
While pulling the gold bracelet, 2 perpetrators fell from his motorbike. Residents in the vicinity of the incident followed and beat the perpetrator.
"Suddenly, the victim who managed to get up first gave a little resistance by hitting MN with a helmet while shouting snatch, inviting the surrounding community to pursue the two perpetrators who had tried to escape," continued AKP Tajudin.
Patrol picket personnel and the Banjarbaru Police Resmob Unit who received information on the robbery went directly to the scene. Two perpetrators were arrested.
"Based on the results of the initial interrogation, the two perpetrators admitted that this was the first time they had committed this crime. In their actions, the two perpetrators had different roles, namely BL as a jockey and MN as an executor, for evidence in the form of 1 (one) gold bracelet. We have also managed to secure it with a weight of 20 grams and 1 (one) unit of a black Honda brand motorcycle," said AKP Tajudin.