Archipelago Vaccine Made By Doctor Terawan Published In International Journal, RSPAD Doctor: There's No Doubt

JAKARTA - The presidential doctor of the Gatot Subroto RSPAD Jakarta, Colonel (ckm) dr Jonny, responded to an article about the Nusantara Vaccine which had just been published by the international medical journal Expert Review of Vaccine.

According to him, the publication of the article answered all the doubts and slanted opinions about the Nusantara Vaccine that had been circulating. The vaccine is the work of the former Minister of Health, Dr. Terawan Agus Putranto.

"This shows that the article regarding the Nusantara Vaccine with the title "Dendritic cell vaccine as a potential strategy to end the COVID-19 pandemic. Why should it be Ex Vivo?" There is no need to doubt this quality, because it has been reviewed by experts from various countries in the world," said Jonny in a written statement, Friday, May 27.

Jonny said that international journals that published articles on Nusantara Vaccines were reliable. Expert Review of Vaccine Nusantara, he said, played a role in the development of world health science.

"Journal with Q1 level, which means it is a journal that has a high impact and is published with strict selection," he said.

In the article published in the journal, Vaccines Nusantara were written as safe and effective. Its ability to induce long-term immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection or people exposed to COVID-19.

The Nusantara vaccine is made using a dendritic cell (DC) approach where the cells are made outside the human body.

In addition, according to the article in the journal, dendritic cells also play an important role in the pathogenesis of COVID-19, so they have potential for vaccination.

However, until now the Nusantara Vaccine-based vaccine with ex vivo loading has not been explored for COVID-19.

The journals that contain articles on vaccines in the archipelago can be accessed in general.