Solok Regency Government Fires Head Of Paninjau Village Allegedly Of Immorality

SUMBAR - Wali Nagari Paninjauan, District X Koto Diatas, with the initials DI who was suspected of committing immoral acts was dismissed by the Government of Solok Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra). Wali Nagari is known to have the same position as village head.

"According to the rules, if there is a violation in the Nagari Government, it will certainly be processed," said Solok Regent Epyardi Asda in Solok, Wednesday, May 25.

In addition, the Solok Regency Government has also held a meeting with the OPD to immediately provide a solution to the problem.

Based on the results of the meeting, the Solok Regency Government decided that the Guardian Nagari Paninjauan had been dismissed from his position and replaced by the Acting Officer (Plt.) until he found a replacement.

In addition, there are three grounds for dismissing a nagari guardian in the law, namely, expiry of the term of office, death, and quitting or resigning.

"The Nagari Wali is also willing to resign. Of course this will speed up the local government's decision to dismiss and replace him with Plt," he said, as reported by Antara.

According to him, the Solok Regency Government has responded quickly to what the local nagari residents want. "As long as it's for the benefit of the community at large, God willing, we will immediately do it," he said.

He hopes that in the future there will be no more wali nagari who commit immoral acts because the wali nagari is the leader and must set a good example to the community.

Head of the Solok Regency Community and Nagari Empowerment Service Romi Hendrawan said to fill the vacancy in the Nagari government, the Solok Regency Government had appointed Plt. from the village secretary.

"Today, we will immediately appoint an Acting Officer who will fill the vacancy in the position of the Nagari Wali. Then in the near future we will appoint an official for the Guardian of the Nagari Paninjauan," he said.

On Tuesday, May 24, people in Nagari Paninjauan, X Koto Diatas Subdistrict, Solok Regency, West Sumatra demonstrated and urged the Nagari Wali with the initials DI to resign from his position on suspicion of committing immoral acts.