NTB Police Investigate Motives Spreading Terror Hoaxes Shooting Arrows In Mataram

MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police (Polda) are investigating the motive of the owner of the Facebook social media account, Esan Nesa, for spreading false news or hoaxes about the arrows that took place in Mataram.
"So, what is the motivation of the owner of this account, we are still investigating," said Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto in Mataram, as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 25.
In addition to exploring the motive, he continued, the police through the cyberspace team also provided education to the owner of the Esan Nesa account regarding the provocative upload.
"We provide education that the photo of the victim of the arrow action that he uploaded on social media is not true. Therefore, the incident did not occur in Mataram, but on another island," he said.
After providing education, cyberspace forces have also asked the person concerned to "take down" the upload. "So, as soon as it was detected in the morning it was uploaded, we asked for it to be lowered in the afternoon," he said.
Kombes Artanto also appealed to the public, especially social media users, to be wiser in responding to information or news.
"Let's not upload information that is not yet clear, let alone something that can provoke the public. So be wise in using social media," he said.