Jokowi Is Happy With The 2022 Homecoming, Especially Not Making The COVID-19 Case Angry

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said President Jokowi was pleased with the 2022 homecoming activities that were disciplined and obedient to all government regulations.

"Mr. President thanked the community, especially those who have carried out the 2022 homecoming for their discipline and compliance with the provisions set by the government. This includes the orderly use of roads while traveling," Muhadjir explained, Tuesday 24 May.

Discipline and compliance can be seen from the health protocols that are continuously carried out by the community, both wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance. Compliance is also seen from the travelers who orderly use the road while traveling to their respective destination cities.

The impact of this compliance, said Muhadjir, is that the six parameters that are the focus in handling going home such as traffic management, controlling COVID-19, food, fuel, and booster vaccinations are controlled and show satisfactory achievements.

"Alhamdulillah, until now COVID-19 has not experienced a significant increase, it even tends to decrease, and also the achievements of vaccination, including boosters," said Muhadjir.

Meanwhile, for the number of accidents at tourist destinations, Muhadjir explained that the numbers showed a drastic decline, and it could even be said that there were zero fatal cases at tourism sites.

Only one thing that has caught the government's attention is the incident of the children's slide collapsing at the Kenjeran Park swimming pool, Surabaya, East Java on Saturday (7/5), which injured 16 visitors, although no fatalities were found.

“Now it is being handled by the police for further investigation. Then I have also immediately checked in the field, in places, at the hospital, everything has been handled properly," he said.

Muhadjir also said that President Jokowi appreciated the relevant ministries and institutions that coordinated with each other to keep homecoming activities safe and under control.

Some of the ministries or institutions mentioned include the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of SOEs, TNI/Polri, regional governments, Pertamina, PT Jasa Marga, and PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry.