There Are Allegations That Ade Yasin Withdraws 'tribute' From Contractors, KPK Examines 4 Witnesses, Including The Secretary Of KONI Bogor

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating an alleged order from the alleged inactive Bogor Regent Ade Yasin (AY) to collect 'tributes' from several contractors.

This was done by the KPK by examining four witnesses for the suspect Ade Yasin and his friends in the investigation into the alleged bribery case in the management of the Bogor Regency Government's financial reports, West Java, for the 2021 Fiscal Year, Friday, 20 May.

"The four witnesses were present and their knowledge was investigated, among others related to the alleged order from suspect AY to collect some money from several contractors working on projects in the Bogor Regency Government," said Plt. KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday, May 23.

The four witnesses were Secretary of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Bogor Regency Rieke Iskandar alias Akew, Sunaryo as entrepreneur/Director of PT Kemang Bangun Persada, Sabri Amirudin as Director of PT Sabrina Jaya Abadi, and Krisna Candra January alias Kris as entrepreneur.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) also examined four other witnesses for the alleged employee of the West Java Representative Audit Board (BPK)/investigator Hendra Nur Rahmatullah Karwita (HNRK). The four witnesses for suspect Hendra are the West Java BPK Representative's honorary employee Muhammad Wijaksana, Tantan Septian as the driver, and two students, namely Putri Nur Fajrina and Genia Kamilia Sufiadi.

Regarding the examination of witnesses, Putri Nur Fajrina and Genia Kamilia Sufiadi, Ali explained that the KPK investigators were investigating the knowledge of the two witnesses regarding the alleged flow of money from several parties to suspect Hendra Nur Rahmatullah Karwita.

Meanwhile, witnesses Muhammad Wijaksana and Tantan Septian were investigated for their knowledge regarding the alleged meeting of the suspect Hendra Nur Rahmatullah Karwita with the suspect Head of the Regional Treasury for the Bogor Regency BPKAD Ihsan Ayatullah (IA) and the suspect PPK at the PUPR Office of Bogor Regency Rizki Taufik (RT), to receive a sum of money. as operational funds for the West Java Representative BPK auditor team.

The KPK has named eight suspects, namely four bribe givers and four bribe recipients.

The four suspects who gave bribes were Ade Yasin (AY), Secretary of the Bogor Regency Office Maulana Adam (MA), Ihsan Ayatullah (IA), and Rizki Taufik (RT), while the suspected bribe recipients were employees of the West Java BPK Representative/Head of West Java Auditorate Sub-Division III/ technical controller Anthon Merdiansyah (ATM), West Java BPK Representative/Chairman of Bogor Regency Interim Audit Team Arko Mulawan (AM), Hendra Nur Rahmatullah Karwita (HNRK), and West Java BPK Representative/investigator Gerri Ginajar Trie Rahmatullah (GGTR).

The KPK suspects that Ade Yasin's bribe was aimed at getting the Bogor Regency Government to get an unqualified title (WTP) from the BPK.

In addition, it is also suspected that during the audit process Ade Yasin gave money back several times through Ihsan Ayatullah and Maulana Adam to the inspection team, including in the form of weekly money with a minimum amount of Rp. 10 million, up to a total of Rp. 1.9 billion during the examination.

As bribe givers, Ade Yasin and his friends are suspected of violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a or b or Article 13 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, four other suspects as recipients of bribes are suspected of violating Article 12 letters a or b or Article 1 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. .