2 Hoarders Of 2,000 Liters Of Diesel In Aceh Arrested While Enjoying Meth

BANDA ACEH - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banda Aceh Police arrested two hoarders of 2,000 liters of subsidized diesel fuel (BBM) in Gampong Lamdingin, Kuta Alam District.

"In addition to the stockpiled diesel fuel, officers also helped to secure a small package of methamphetamine which was admitted to belong to the two suspects that were used together," said Head of Criminal Investigation at the Banda Aceh Police, Commissioner M. Ryan Citra Yudha in Banda Aceh, Sunday.

Ryan said the arrest was initiated from public information about the alleged hoarding of diesel fuel.

When raided, the police found the two perpetrators engrossed in smoking methamphetamine.

Ryan said the perpetrators, who were still students, were MJ (26), a resident of Sukamakmur Sub-district, Aceh Besar, and RD (30), a resident from Langsa Baru District, Langsa City.

"Arriving at the location, to be precise at a boarding house, the police arrested the two perpetrators who were then taken to the Banda Aceh Police Station for questioning," he said.

Ryan explained that during the search, the police also found a small package of methamphetamine worth IDR 200 thousand along with a suction device (bong) and Pyrex glass. They admitted that they had used the illicit goods.

Other evidence, Ryan continued, in the form of a dump truck containing approximately 2,000 liters of subsidized diesel, a Mitsubishi Strada double cabin car (double cabin) with the number BL 8013 AG which is used to collect subsidized fuel into a dump truck that has been modified as a reservoir, as well as a pump engine unit as a suction.

"Then there are also three units of cellular phones and cash worth more than IDR 3.5 million," said Ryan.

Currently, the two perpetrators and the evidence have been secured to the Banda Aceh Police Headquarters for further legal process.