The United Indonesia Coalition Is Not An Obstacle For Jokowi's Government, It Is Strengthening

JAKARTA - Indo Barometer Executive Director Muhammad Qodari, assesses the formation of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) initiated by the Golkar Party, PAN and PPP, is not an obstacle for the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The two ministers who are party leaders from the coalition were also discussed. According to Qodari, this coalition could be a strengthening of the government. "This coalition's mission is to succeed and continue the development carried out by Pak Jokowi. So, it becomes a strengthening of the coalition that already exists in the current government," said Qodari, Saturday, May 21.

Qodari regrets that there is a perception that creates a dichotomy between the work of ministers and the political work of party leaders. Although many judges negatively, according to him, KIB is indeed very strategic. On the other hand, several other parties are still having difficulty forming coalitions. "For me, it's in line. So the political performance of a political figure who becomes a minister is actually an electoral incentive if he can work optimally as part of the government," he said.

"In fact, if his performance is not optimal as a minister, then it will reduce his political incentives," continued Qodari.

Qodari is of the opinion that the performance of ministers and the political performance of party leaders in KIB are not contradictory, but can be synergistic and mutually reinforcing. Because the better the government's performance, the better their electoral incentives will be. "Because the electoral incentives must be high, the performance must also be good," said Qodari.