The Results Of The EdWG Will Be Brought By The Ministry Of Education And Culture To The UN Education Meeting

JAKARTA - The results of the second meeting of the G20 Education Working Group (EdWG) will be brought by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) to the United Nations (UN) Transforming Educational Summit. The second EdWG, which was held in Bandung from May 18 to May 19, 2022, was an initiative to bring a draft report to the Transforming Educational Summit," said the Chair of the EdWG G20, Iwan Syahril in Bandung, Friday 20 May. The G20 will get the world's attention and can inspire the restoration of education in many countries. .

Iwan added that the draft report was compiled coherently with data from G20 member countries and special invitations. /B20) and Youth (Youth20/Y20) G20, as well as the Ministry of Education and Technology team for all their involvement and support. The third meeting of the EdWG G20 will be held on 22-23 June and the fourth meeting and the education ministerial level meeting will be held on 25-27 July 2022 "We hope the holding of the education ministerial level meeting will run smoothly and Kemendikbudristek can bring Indonesia's good name," said Iwan.

The Chair of the French Delegation, Francois Parain, expressed his support and encouraged the initiatives presented in the draft report of the G20 Presidency EdWG 2022 to be brought to a higher level in September 2022. "We think it is very important to note that the education system plays a fundamental role in the vitality of the economy and social correlation. So, we can have something that voices solutions in facing global challenges in the future, "said Parain.